Keep your property looking pristine and safe with Agua Fria Landscape’s expert landscape cleanup and property clearing services. Our team specializes in a wide range of services designed to maintain and enhance the beauty and safety of your outdoor spaces. From thorough weedeating for fire prevention to complete land clearing, we provide customized solutions to meet your specific needs. With years of experience and a commitment to excellence, we ensure that your landscape remains well-maintained and free from hazardous vegetation.
Weedeating to the ground, with multiple passes is more effective for fire prevention and defensible space cleanups and leaves a cleaner property.
Tree removal, fire breaks, defensible space clearing and property cleanups.
Poison Oak removal, Blackberry removal and all other types of brush.
Tree removal and stump removal.
Spring cleanup, fall cleanup or anytime have us come do a general landscape cleanup including shrub trimming, weed pulling, and leaf raking.
Agua Fria Landscape
185 E. Main St. #117 Grass Valley, CA 95949
California Contractors License #898190